Sunday 19 August 2012

What is T1 Line | T1 Internet Connection Speed and Bandwidth

What is a T1 Line?
In the modern era, those who are sick and tired of their slow internet speed, T1 internet line could be a good dosage to get rid of their problem. Now what is a T1 line? T1 Internet Line is a faster internet connection with the speed of 1.544MBPS. T1 line bandwidth capacity is remarkably unlimited. T1 Internet connection is a best choice for small-sized organizations to medium-sized organizations, where 20 to 25 employees can work easily with T1 line. It is faster than DSL connection. Its fiber optic structure makes it much reliable than DSL connection. Normally DSL connection is not trustable while working many users at a time transferring audio/video data.


T1 line is best to download mp3 or any other video data with great speed, being used by many users at the same time which is difficult to do while using traditional telephone connections or DSL. In normal telephone connections or DSL, analog signals are changed as digital signals. This is a very slow process and causes internet speed jammed or unfriendly, while using T1 line data can easily be converted from analog signals to digital signals and in the mean time the user is able to cope with other jobs. It saves time and does faster than other traditional connections.

T1 Line Structure

t1 line
T1 line consists of 24 channels (Fabric). These 24 channels are capable to transfer data at the rate of 64kbps individually each. It is a good feature and you will not get interrupted while transferring data from one place to other. This is an extremely great feature which is not possible in other connections. Generally we observe that we get stuck/ interrupted while shifting audio/ video data using ordinary internet connections. So if you have a business structure, T1 Internet line could serve you with capability and reliance. It is a fulfillment of Internet requirement for the small-sized and medium-sized organizations. T1 line service is being used in America, Japan and now introduced in Canada.

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